Connect globally
Change the world
A highly selective 2 year part-time programme for bright university students that equips with them top skills, powerful network and understanding of the world and its problem which aims to grow them into leaders who are open to the world and committed to shape it for the many
Get top corporate skills
Our students are trained to be future top executives. They acquire on top consulting skills which they practice on real cases with start-up and MNCs and are coached by tier 1 experienced consultants
Connect globally
ShARE students come from 14 countries and 4 continents. They go through the 2 year programme through small groups made of students from 4 other countries.
Change the world
ShARE’s vision is to train, connect and inspire talents and grow them into benevolents leaders who are open to the world and committed to shape it for the many (and not for themselves)
Contact us
If you are a bright student, open to the world, with a leadership potential to change the world, then you are in the right place !
ShARE University
ShARE is a not for profit organisation between a global university and a consulting company with a double mission to grow tomorrow’s leader and advise today’s leaders. If you are a student, visit, if you are a corporate visit,